Workspaces are defined here as those spaces that are specifically designed for desk-related activities such as reading, researching, writing, phoning. The main differentiator between the different kinds of workspaces is the degree of enclosure. Open workstation Semi-open workstation Focus roomWorkstation placed in an open area,Workstation with semi-high enclosure (aFully enclosed, sound-insulated room typically in groups of 4, 6 or 8 units.modern version of the classic cubicle),that allows people to escape the buzz Suitable for collaborative work andproviding a sense of visual and acousticof the open work area. Suitable for general office tasks that require aprivacy in the absence of floor-to-ceilingactivities that require concentration medium level of concentration. Thispartitions. Suitable for activities whichand/or privacy. Ideally, the room should type will usually make up the majority ofdemand medium concentration andbe designed in such a way that it can work settings. Make sure that they aremedium interaction.also be used for small meetings and all of equal (good) quality so there is nophone/video calls.inclination to compete for a particular workstation.Size: 4 to 6 sqm Size: 4 to 6 sqm Size: 6 sqmRatio: 4 to 6 per 10 employees Ratio: 1 to 2 per 20 employees Ratio: 1 to 2 per 20 employeesPosition: Away from busyPosition: Close to openPosition: Close to open circulation areas andworkstations workstationssocial functions72