Once an organization has decided to adopt activity-based working, it will be necessary to set up a process for implementation. Such a process usually starts with the formulation of a broad vision, which is then translated, step-by-step, into concrete solutions, ultimately resulting in the new work environment. Here, this process is divided into six stages:Stage 1 Envision: developing a general vision;Stage 2 Define: formulating specific requirements;Stage 3 Design: designing the spatial and technical environment;Stage 4 Build: building the new environment and getting it ready for use; Stage 5 Settle in: moving in and solving teething problems;Stage 6 Manage: making the concept work in practice.These stages are not intended as a procedural straight jacket. It is crucial that the process should be a combination of project management and change management activities. This is important because implementing an ABW project is not just about managing time and costs, but equally about preparing the organization for the upcoming changes. For employees, ABW means a break with the routine, and convenience, of having a fixed desk. Managers, for their part, must get used to not having a private office and learn how to manage on the basis of trust. Such changes are not automatic. They require that people be informed, prepared and involved at each stage of the process.In the following we give a brief overview of the different activities in each stage. 51