SPACE TYPES. As the adjective activity based points out, an ABW officeGETTING THE MIX RIGHTshould provide work settings that match the match the kindTo determine what kind of spaces are of activities people performproject rooms for projectneeded, and in what quantities, it necessary to make an analysis of peoples activities at work, quiet rooms for quiet work, phone booths for phonethe office. Relevant dimensions are:calls and so on. The following pages present an overview of possible space types, making a distinction between: TaskThe extent to which complexity activities are cognitively orkspaces: spaces for desk-bound/computer-relateddemanding (relates to the Wneed for visual and auditory activities; privacy)Collaboration spaces: spaces for meetings and othertypes of interaction; Interaction The extent to which tasks involve face-to-Support spaces: spaces for practical activities likeface interaction andprinting and getting coffee. collaboration (relates to the need for collaboration Please note that the sizes 75and ratios mentioned arespaces)only very general guidelines. The exact need for spaceTaskThe degree to which autonomy tasks can be performed will differ from organisation to organisation, or evenindependently (relates to from department to department. For example, an R&Dthe need for access to/department will need a different mix of spaces than anproximity of ones team or IT department. So, to determine what is needed, it issupervisor)important to analyse what people do at the office. WhatTask variation The degree to which peoples tasks differ over are the characteristics and nature of their tasks? Howthe course of a day (relates many people are involved? Do activities involve the use ofto the variation of work particular equipment? How are activities interrelated? Thissettings that must be can be done by conducting surveys, doing observationprovided)studies and by simply talking to people (see page 41-48 forMobilityThe degree to which an overview of possible techniques). employees are mobile, inside and outside the office (relates to the need for A more detailed overview of the specifications per spacetouch down spaces)type can be found in the appendix (see page 145). Equipment/ The kind of stuff people use artefacts in their work, such as video screens or white boards (relates to the provision of these items)Mode The degree to which activities are formal or informal (relates to the kind of look and feel that is needed in a space).71