When we developed BriefBuilder, we did a lot of thinking about the icons we would use. How to represent a building, a space, a system, a process, a verification, etc etc.? One of challenges was to find a good icon for the object “outdoor space”. At the time, we chose a ‘seedling’ icon. In hindsight, that was not a good choice. It works if your project features gardens and landscaped areas or even balconies and playgrounds. But not for parking spaces, train station platforms, bus stops, wind farms, solar power parks, and other ‘non-green’ outdoor spaces. So, we have now decided to implement a more generic, neutral icon. Admittedly, the new icon is a bit more boring, but it is easier to apply in the wide range of construction projects that we support! Want to know about all the different objects in BriefBuilder (and check out their icons): click here.