DNR-STB task specifications available in BriefBuilder

Which tasks are part of the project’s scope and which not? Who is e.g. responsible for the soil studies or the negotiations with the local authorities? And what is it that needs to be delivered in terms of documentation at each project stage? BIM models, drawings, permits, product sheets, test reports, progress reports?

Such scoping questions are of crucial importance if you want to avoid confusion and conflict in your project. Especially in large construction projects, the construction client typically not only defines requirements concerning the built object itself, but also concerning the related processes: what is it that needs to be done and delivered?

In the Netherlands, tasks and deliverables for constructions projects have been standardized and captured in the Standaardtaakbeschrijving (DNR-STB), issued by the BNA und NLingenieurs. The DNR-STB specifies all possible tasks deemed possible to successfully execute a design/engineering process, in a highly systematic way.

As this methodology is much used in Dutch projects, we are now making it available as standard content for our Dutch users. With this content, you can:

  • Easily integrate tasks and deliverables in your project brief
  • Link to tasks to specific project parts (e.g. buildings or systems)
  • Add supplementary requirements (e.g. concerning format, start/end dates)
  • Keep track of changes and change requests
  • Verify whether requirements are being met.
  • Make reports and downloads in Word and Excel

Interested to have this content in your environment or model? Contact your account manager or a drop us a line at support@briefbuilder.com

More info about capturing process requirements (in English) can be found in our Wissensdatenbank.